A lot of badly categorized things
Huge congrats to the editorial management coming into their own!
We’re having a meeting in the next couple of weeks for all of you too meet, and to brief you all on a newer, quicker way of getting stories on the Wire without running everything through Aidan. Please fill out this when2meet to let us know your availability so we can make sure you can attend! And pass on the when2meet and our contact information to the next generation of editors/reporters if you are graduating.
Some professional news
Voice of America put together a great video package about us, and even got to see some of our student newsrooms in person! Making appearances are the Golden Gate Xpress’s Samantha Laurey, the Daily 49er’s Madalyn Amato and Gary Metzker, the Bulletin’s Taylor Helmes and Destiny Jackson, and our founder, Aidan McGloin.
If you aren’t aware, the Voice of America is a massive government-funded broadcaster that the United States created in 1942 to spread radio news across closed international borders. The organization played a major role in democratizing the Soviet Block during the Cold War, and they currently translate in around 47 languages. It’s an honor to be covered by them! We don’t know how many affiliate stations will pick up or translate the broadcast, but it may be seen internationally.
Last week, the CSU Wire also got some publication with Lithium Magazine, an online student magazine (yay student journalism!) The article was about the massive Substack boom, of which we’re a part of for the time being, and the author might have had one of the best takes I’ve seen on the rise of newsletter.
Cover the redefining of California’s college system
A state task force intent on changing the CSU is inviting you to an exclusive student briefer.
Gov. Gavin Newsom established the Recovery with Equity Task Force in Aug. 2020 with the intent of making a new plan for California’s post-secondary education programs. You have to get to page 38 of their recently dropped 88-page report to find their first recommendations, but they include:
More faculty cluster hirings
Establishing anonymous microaggression reporting channels
Legislatively mandating implicit bias and cultural competency training for CSU staff, faculty and administrators
Pushing for metric-tracked, work-based learning in every discipline
Developing research-based metrics for evaluating campus climate
Enacting a policy to automatically admit high school seniors to their local community college
There’s a LOT to go through in their report, which seems like it would effectively be a renewed version of the California Master Plan for Higher Education. The Recovering with Equity Task Force has an exclusive student briefer next Tuesday, May 11.
On the panel are:
Dr. Lande Ajose, Senior Policy Advisor for Higher Education, Office of Governor Gavin Newsom; Chair, Governor’s Council for Post-Secondary Education; Chair, Recovery With Equity Task Force
Michael Wiafe, Graduate Student, UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy; former President, Cal State Student Association; Member, Recovery With Equity Taskforce
Dr. Hayley Weddle, Postdoctoral Researcher, University California, San Diego; Former Student Regent, University of California Board of Regents; Member, Recovery With Equity Taskforce
Aidan Arasasingham, President, University of California Student Association
Zahraa Khuraibet, President, Cal State Student Association
Stephen Kodur, President, Student Senate for California Community Colleges
You should already have the Zoom link and the media advisory in your inbox, but if you don’t, it will be in the Slack.
Editor training!
Attend an professional leadership training! CalMatters’ College Journalism Network is offering a student leadership panel today, at 4 p.m. Marisa Martinez, former EIC at the CSULA University Times, Emma Hall, former EIC at Diablo Valley College, and Angel Fabre, EIC at The Campanil, will be on the panel, and Gabe Schneider and Matt Reagan will moderate. The zoom link is in the Slack, but if you’re not on the Slack, dm us or send an email to get it!
Board of Trustees meeting
The CSU Board of Trustees is meeting May 17. Their agenda is not posted yet, but it may be good to set aside the time to read it in the coming week.
I look forward to seeing all of you in the next couple of weeks, whenever we have our meeting. It’s been a while.