This is a resource email.
CalMatter’s Student Journalism Network has a solutions training Zoom today at 3:00. Email me at to get the link.
Steve Padilla from the Los Angeles Times lead a writing workshop earlier this week on tighter writing, courtesy of the California Chicano News Media Association. He’s leading another one tomorrow you can join, on story structure.
If you missed this last week’s, here’s the audio.
The Sacramento Press Club’s scholarship is extended to April 30.
Investigative Reporters and Editors lead a webinar on higher education investigation during coronavirus. Recording is here, and tipsheet is here. A big takeaway: you can find out how much your CSU is getting from the CARES Act in this searchable database from The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Finally, huge shouts to the State Hornet for their coverage of CalMatters and La Opinión’s webinar on financial assistance for undocumented Californians. They published a Spanish and an English version of the article, and live-tweeted it in each language as well.
Tomorrow is also #SaveStudentNewsrooms day. See inspiration from their webpage.